Conscious Leadership Experience

Conscious Leadership Experience

Regular price $5,250.00

Whether you want to inspire yourself, help others grow, create a new strategy, improve your mental health, improve your team’s performance, change how you communicate with others or how they communicate with you or help people stay healthy as the demands and pressures increase, these are all about change. We know that change often comes at a cost: emotional, physical, financial or interpersonal cost. We want to help you do change differently, with more ease and less cost. In essence, these sessions are about a deeper intelligence of how to work/live really well.


We know that we cannot transform the behavior of our environment unless we transform the quality of the awareness and attention that we apply to our actions within these environments, both individually and collectively.



At the Leadership Group, our programs are designed to raise your consciousness and ignite your capacity to be agile, adapt and evolve when you meet adversity (unmet expectations, mistakes, misunderstandings, stress, demands, power struggles.)

What you will learn:

  • Uncover the 4 most common barriers to performance or satisfaction with work/life that we all experience to some degree
  • Apply tools and practices to shift your experience of these barriers so you can move from feeling stuck to performing well when these challenges arise
  • Describe and apply the 5 tenets of Conscious Communication to the extent that you see the relationship between consciousness and mental health/well-being, communication, performance/motivation, team/group culture
  • Evaluate how leadership skills, at work and at home can impact: mental health/well-being, communication, performance/motivation, team/group culture
  • Compare the results you experience using a conscious leadership approach, to your current leadership approach, in order to feel more ease, peace and alignment with your results
  • Develop an awareness of how to help others and organizations shift when they are stuck in any of the 4 common barriers to performance
  • Expand your network with other conscious leaders

Participants who enroll in the Conscious Leadership Experience:

  • A 1-on-1 discovery coaching session
  • Six 3-hour virtual, interactive learning sessions (when in person it will be three  full days) + 2 hour harvest and application session
  • One-on-one follow-up coaching session after the experience has ended
  • 4 months ongoing Group coaching
  • 4 months ongoing coaching with your Practice Partner
  •  Further Group coaching OR One-on-One coaching can be added at the time of registration. 

Our group setting advantage will allow you to accelerate your learning by practicing with others in preparation for taking your new skills back to your daily life.