Confident Leadership Program
The Confident Leadership Program
Where leaders go for direction and support to carry their team forward with confidence.
If you are looking to:
- Motivate and engage your team with Conscious Communication
- Gain Clarity on the path ahead by reducing fears & anxieties clouding the way
- Deepen Connection with yourself and others to reduce stress
- Transform your team into a Community with a shared vision
- Move forward in Courage and eliminate self-doubt
This program is for you!
Or if you simply have the nagging feeling that there has to be a more peaceful way to make your way through life & leadership…
Then this program is ABSOLUTELY for you! 😁
What is the Confident Leadership Program?
It is a 6-week group coaching program that equips you with the awareness, strategies, frameworks and feedback to achieve personal and team goals while saving time, energy, money, health and relationships.
How it works:
It is a two-fold process that:
- Supports you in the successful navigation of your day-to-day leadership including self-reflection, goal-setting, communication, engagement and motivation, course correction, conflict management, boundary-setting and goal attainment. Just to name a few!
- Implement frameworks and tools that will guide you in developing and utilizing positive, reflexive patterns of response based on your values so that when challenges and conflicts arise, they can be addressed and resolved with ease.
CORE ELEMENTS of the program:
Initial self-reflection & journaling
- Our tools will help you find your starting point and what it is you are looking to accomplish
- Tools
- Wheel of Personal Leadership
- Key Areas of Focus Guide
- The Path you Followed
- Quantify your Reality
Group coaching sessions X 7 (2-hour sessions, weekly for seven weeks)
Each week, the coaching will focus one of the 5 C’s of Confident Leadership:
- Communicate effectively and without conflict in all situations
- Gain clarity on what it is you want and how best to achieve that
- Develop deep connections and trust with yourself and those around you
- Build a community around to support the attainment of your goals.
- Move forward in courage and master your fears
Wrap-up and Graduation!
FREE Monthly ConsciousLead Group Coaching Call!
- Live group coaching
- Monthly themes based on relevant life and leadership topics
Applying the learning:
- Peer learning - Take turns sharing and being coached, while learning the entire time
- Group learning - Participate in creating new ideas and approaches for the group
Ongoing learning:
- Complete individual practices between each session
- Adjust goals and practices based on new awareness
- Update Journey Map to see progress
When we boil it all down, what’s in it for you?
SAVE time, energy and money
GROW personal and collective health and wellness.
INSPIRE better results with greater ease
FREEDOM from fear, anxiety and self-doubt